Exhibition success in Switzerland…
Firstly, apologies for the lack of content here recently. The daylight hours at this time of the year stretch from way way before breakfast until almost bed time. I have therefore been been spending a lot of time in the field with my camera, leaving very limited time for the computer.
One activity that I would like to highlight was an exhibition that took place in Switzerland as part of the 2015 Photo Munsingen event. My exhibition “British Birds: Behaviour, Personality and Portraits” was on display and I attended to open the exhibition and talk about my work during the course of a four day celebration of photography. The images were displayed outdoors on trees in a small wooded area which was alive with birds. Having the natural sounds of wild birds complement my visual images was a wonderful combination and a great setting to display my work.
Many thanks must go to the organisers of Photo Munsingen for all of their preparation and for giving me the opportunity to exhibit my work in a beautiful part of Switzerland.